Five Reasons to Choose Mighty Manna Organic Sprouted Bread

These days you will see the word ‘sprouted’ on almost anything. Since it is not a regulated term, you may or may not be getting the full benefit of sprouted grains. But we promise you that our grains are sprouted to their full capacity! Manna Bread truly goes above and beyond not only because of our sprouting process, but also in taste, flavor, and nutrition. Find out five reasons why:


1. Manna Bread is Fully Sprouted

We did not invent the sprouted grain, Mother Nature did! While seeds naturally germinate given the right temperature, moisture, and sunlight in nature, we aim to mimic this process in a controlled and clean environment.

We take our sprouted bread a step further than most by fully sprouting our grains for three whole days before we incorporate them into baking. Other companies may simply soak, rinse, and dry the grains, but never wait for the crucial point when the wheat berries fully sprout. By the time our sprouts are ready to be baked into your bread, they are little plants and full of life.


2. Increased Nutrient Bio-Availability

The sprouting process is special in that it takes everything that is good and nutritious about the grains and makes it even better. At the same time, it also makes the things that are difficult to digest much easier to process. This happens because while sprouting, much of the phytic acid is removed, making the grains easier on the digestive system and the nutrients easier for the body to assimilate.


3. No Fillers

Manna Bread is unique in that there is nothing added to the bread other than the fully sprouted grains, fruits and/or nuts, and spices. Other popular sprouted breads might add ingredients like salt, yeast, oil, sugar, or even additional gluten and non sprouted wheat flour to their sprouted breads.


4. Good for the Gut

Many people who cannot tolerate eating typical wheat based products have no problems consuming sprouted Manna Bread. That is because something really amazing happens when the berries begin to germinate- they actually use up some of the starches in the plant as energy to grow! This leaves less starch in the final product and therefore, less gluten. While it doesn’t make it a gluten free product, it does make the overall product easier for the digestive system to absorb.


5. Helps Maintain Stable Blood Sugar

Typical refined grains that are ground into flour and baked into various products are notorious for spiking blood sugar. The body metabolizes these grains very quickly, similarly to sugar, which can cause problems for diabetes or lead to inflammation issues. However, since our grains are fully sprouted until they grow a little sprout, they act more similarly to vegetables in the body, and digest slowly which helps avoid the blood sugar spike.

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