Manna Bread is a Blood Sugar Friendly Food

Manna Bread is a Blood Sugar Friendly Food

Did you know whole grains are a low glycemic food and can help to improve blood sugar? If you didn’t, you are not alone.  The media and current diet trends tend to be anti-carbohydrates, especially those from grains, sometimes even advising to remove them all from the diet altogether in an effort to improve health. But our bodies are different, and such drastic changes may not be beneficial or even necessary.

The confusion stems mostly from the debate of which carbs to choose. While refined foods made with highly processed sugar and grains can certainly cause your blood sugar to take a dive, along with other adverse effects on overall health, whole food sources of carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and intact whole grains have been shown to lower the risk of diabetes. In fact, in a study done, those who ate more whole grains had a 29% lower risk of type 2 diabetes as opposed to those who ate none.

Now, what are ‘whole grains’ exactly? Good question, since many whole-wheat breads on the shelves of the grocery store actually still have a high glycemic index because even the healthiest looking organic and sprouted varieties can contain refined fillers. The unique benefit of Manna Bread comes from the fact that it is made with completely intact whole food, plant-based ingredients which contain all the three major components necessary to constitute a whole grain: endosperm, germ, and bran. Examples include wheat berries, rye berries, brown rice, oats, and millet. We take these nutritionally packed whole grains a step further by fully-sprouting them, which helps make the nutrients more bio-available to the body.

We know that fully intact whole grains have higher levels of antioxidants and minerals, and they are also much higher in fiber and protein than their refined counterparts. All of these factors help the sprouted bread to be digested more slowly, which leads to less of a blood sugar spike after eating. Including Mighty Manna Bread is both a delicious and nutrient-dense way to work your way toward a healthier life!

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