Nut Butter VS Peanut Butter

Here are some reasons to consider swapping your PB & J for a tree nut or coconut butter alternative

Peanut butter is a well loved staple, but there are many good reasons to consider swapping your PB & J for a tree nut or coconut butter alternative. Peanuts do not grow on trees like nuts, but rather underground which can make them more susceptible to mold and fungus. They are also very high in carcinogenic compounds called alfatoxins, which can have negative effects on health, especially if you suffer from inflammatory, fungal, or yeast related health conditions like Candida or allergies. The fats in peanut butter are also not as balanced as tree nuts. Peanut butter is rich in omega-6 fatty acids and very low in omega-3s. Omega-6 fatty acids can lead to inflammation and the American diet is already full of them. And in fact, peanuts are not nuts at all, but rather fall in the legume family, which can be troubling for digestion in large quantities. And when you take in to account that most peanut butters contain heavy amounts of pesticides and hydrogenated oils, switching over to a tree nut or coconut based butter is a tasty way to help protect your health.

Tree nuts and coconut butter both contain healthy fats and nutrients, and it only takes an ounce to reap all the benefits! Almond butter is high in vitamin E, biotin, magnesium, protein, and fiber. Cashews are full of heart healthy unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, copper, zinc, magnesium, and antioxidants, and can even contribute to brain health and well being. Coconut butter contains fiber and iron along with metabolism boosting medium-chain fatty acids which can aid weight loss, can boost immunity due to lauric acid, and even might help ward off viruses due to its antibacterial properties. Ultimately, switching over to almond, cashew, coconut, or other tree nut based nut butter is both a nutrient dense and delicious alternative.

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